1. "The Last Blue Zone"
    Photoshop CS3
    Matte Painting
    10 hours

    resurgere stock image used
    1 cloud scape shot (sky6_0259)
    1 snow land (nature14_6239)

    Other images of Toronto cityscape photography by myself (Frank Hong)

    one of the first matte paintings in my gallery. started with combining images selectively to create the basic setting and light direction, and sketched in the cityscape before the actual detailed painting. the theme of the image is based on one all time classic pc game, "Command and Conquer" and it's famous Tiberium crystals.

    hope you like this one, please leave comments and critiques.

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  2. Gouache Paintings

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  3. 0

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  4. Check this out.
    Concept painting tutorial video project
    Recordings has began...

    i used one of his designs as template for DVD case
    credit goes to
    one of the DeviantArt Admin members
    also provides alot of awesome wallpapers.. so.. give him a little support no?

    cheers all.

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  5. Caricature of Marc Garneau
    The first Canadian to enter the space

    Artist: Brandon Vrooman
    Instructor: Frank Hong

    Photoshop CS3 co-op project for CyberARTS specialized program under topic Canadian History

    project includes a number of speed paintings of spacescapes in earlier posts.


    Upon request, Black and White tonal work in progress, completed colored version can be found in a earlier post.

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  6. "All roads to rome"
    Photoshop CS3

    while digital tools remains the most boring and pointless class ever, it's still nice to use that time and painting something instead of listening to bullshit. this piece was done in class, an hour and a half..

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  7. maya

    Designed by Mike Qin
    3D by Frank Hong
    Resurgere stock image used

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  8. speedpainting practice

    10-30 mins each

    Photoshop CS3

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  9. Pirate Ship

    Photoshop CS3
    6 hours
    no ref

    back in business for some concept art works, this one is a rendered pirate ship concept. i went for a mechanical, futuristic and yet some what believable design. spontaneous in production, no reference or line art used, straight up colors. hope you like this one

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About Me
About Me
My Photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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