1. Ocean and Under

    6 hours

    A canceled commissioned piece, i decided to finish it anyways because i liked the start of it. would be a waste not to have this done. So folks, here it is.

    client decided to go with a much more simpler cell-shaded design. hmm... can't argue that can i?


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    2 hours, Photoshop CS3

    Finally got my hands on the almighty MGS4, and it's better than anything I've experienced. holy ****...

    anyways.. after finishing act 2, i decided to do a Raiden fan art.


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  3. Vikings

    Commissioned work

    One of my works with the most characters in one shot. quite enjoyable process, and the client is very happy so it makes me very happy. haa..

    anyways... this is going to be printed with wide format, a larger scale poster. he wants to hang it in the living room and show off to friends...

    i posted a WIP for this before. i'll have to add something to today's post later. let's keep momentum on its feet.

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  4. Enterprise Project

    Concept Art 1

    3 hours.


    Docking Bay concept, digital matte painting using 3D model as a base for paint over.

    Concept Art 1 (Work in Progress)

    1 hour point

    Proxy Model

    Mental Ray Render

    (Final Gather, Global Illumination with Ray-Trace)

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  5. "FETCH!"

    Photoshop CS3 ..

    about 3 to 4 hours.

    hmm... i donno .. kinda look like a halo fan art unintentionally. but that's not a bad thing i guess.. another really rough speedpainting-ish approach. sigh..~

    i need to start doing serious pieces.... but this is plain old fun...

    30 mins.

    A mood sketch.. rather.. i should come back to do more of these sketches, i was too busy being bored all the time. hence the lack of updates these few days... i'll get back on track.. soon enough..


    well.. um.. i have a bad habit of uploading at 3 o'clock in the morning.

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  6. An Update on the ship, Making progress on the low mesh proxy model, hmm... i'm getting close...


    First up.. i give you the finished version of

    Elven Falls

    photoshop CS3 6 hours

    Another painting for the Dragon's Tale E-Magazine from Brazil.
    hail the mighty D&D.. yes!..

    and "Killing Spree"

    Unfinished preview... i don't know where I'm going with this one, not sure.

    and "Project Enterprise"

    a space ship design sketch, currently modeling this thinmaggigy in Maya. my plan for this project is to create a design, from the very rough sketches to refinments, revisions, and to concept art, mood sketchs. after i finish modeling, i'm going to create a matte painting based on the ship model.

    a couple of programs i'm learning along the process: more Photoshop matte, Maya Modeling and texture UVs, Zbrush and displacement maps, Fusion for final composition(if i can get my hands on it), and that's about all...

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  7. hmm a rendering study

    style is quite recognizable if you've seen zhang lu's portrait paintings, trying one with soft touches.

    loosely based on a reference image, the pretty girl is my highschool friend, Serina.

    photoshop cs3 2 hours.

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  8. New Dante!




    speed painting.. about 2.5 hours

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  9. waterfall

    a work in progress for the Dragon's tale mag. putting this up before it's done. i still need to add in elf structures and details. this is quite early in the process actually, the colors and atmosphere haven't really been established.

    but works as a preview, so stay tuned..

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About Me
About Me
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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