1. Blackmage

    Photoshop CS3 3 hours

    My friends went for a FF week where we design our own characters in the classic FF style, for some reason they all agreed that i'd be the blackmage... so folks. here it is..

    quite a straight forward process for this one, was done fairly quickly.

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  2. this is a contracted work, or i can't find another reason to paint something this much close to anime. still...

    First of many... more to come when it's released.


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  3. Oblivion

    Photoshop CS3 3-4 hours

    didn't use any references or photos for this one, straight up custom brush painting, another spontaneous piece. started as something else floating in the space and completely turned the table around as i progressed.

    hope you enjoy it.

    Beauty and the Beast

    One of the scenarios i always wanted to do but was afraid i might not pull it off. but now i did it anyways. A rather fantasy like finish with vivid lightings. i received lots of awesome critiques from Jo Kim, he also did a paintover for me, really gotta thank him for helping me out with this one. this took about 2 days, counting up to 10 hours i believe. had quite a bit of trouble with it, almost gave up half way...

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  4. Beauty and the Beast

    Unfinished work-in-progress

    having a lot of issues with this one. fucking way beyond frustration. and did i mention i suck at rendering?

    Another Unfinished

    and i hate this one more than the previous one. wtf is the matter. I'm really getting pissed at myself and i think it's time for me to stop using photoshop all together.

    son of a bitch..

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  5. since i posted my wednesday post on monday.. i'm going to post this one to balance things out..

    don't ask me how..


    1 hr speedpainting

    not much to say about this one. a little bored so randomly doodled a painting. this one is quite spontaneous, not much planning involved. quite busy with freelance work this month, i should cut down on the gaming.. ha

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  6. Monster Hunter !

    been playing this game for an entire day, the difficulty is quite frustrating. But i managed to gather some materials and made myself a nice set of equipments. Yo leon and jae, we gotta play together again sometime.

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About Me
About Me
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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