1. http://conceptartworld.com/

    Dec 17, 09

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  2. Rawr...!

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  3. Dig Site 2

    A finishing of my earlier speedpainting.

    I'm glad i took the challenge, and pushed a lot further with this piece. it was a rewarding process to go back and re-analyze everything in the old piece, then recompose the scene with already established mood and setting.

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  4. "2012"

    So i was watching the movie the night it came out. and half way through the film i thought to myself, HEY! that's Dylan Cole! that mountain is definatly Dylan Cole!. so i went home first thing to check, turns out i was right. and my mind is blown. and it remained that way for the duration of this painting.

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  5. My interview for DeadlineStudios, by Serg.S – Serg Souleiman.
    along side with Sebastien Larroude a.k.a Rainart, Horia Dociu, Brad Rigney and Hethe Srodawa. :P

    Read at: http://deadlinestudios.com/?p=127

    If you want to read a few answers to these questions i've been asked.

    -Tell us about yourself where are you from and when and how did you get started concept art?

    - What inspired you to become an Artist?

    - Where do you currently work and what are some of the things that you have worked on?

    Could you take us through your creative process when starting a new concept art piece?

    - What are some things that impotent to you when working on a piece?

    - What artists influenced your work and whom do you admire?

    - Is there anything you'd like to work on if you had the chance?

    - Do you have any advice for the aspiring artist out there?


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  6. Dig Site

    speedy concept

    Really tired today after a long day in school. this is before bed time. A 3 hours painting started as a random doodle. got lucky and it clicked a little.


    every cger out of sheridan had done at least one spartan painting. so here's mine. :P

    I really need to catch up on school work. damn it.

    on a side note:
    I lost my harddrive in the school lab A151, half a year worth of work gone. I have no idea who removed it, but if anyone come across a black Hitachi portable drive with leather cover in sheridan. PLEASE let me know.. thanks!

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  7. LifeDrawings Fall 09 Renders

    5 to 10 mins, compressed charcoal on rough newsprint


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  8. LifeDrawings Fall 09 Gestures

    1 to 5 mins, compressed charcoal on rough newsprint

    PS: If you are in sheridan, I'm tutoring every TUESDAY sessions in A126 Animation life-drawing room, from 7 to 10 pm. swing by if you need any help, (please sign up through careers centre). Digital Painting session is now set to every WEDNESDAY in room A151, from 6pm to 8pm, drop in are welcome. :peace:

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  9. Dragon Age

    I can't wait for the game, if you haven't seen the trailer, GO WATCH IT. it's epic.

    This piece took me a bit longer to do, schedule is getting super busy, so i had less time to work on my own stuff now. no complains though, it's good to have lots of work. and i've been planning to push myself out of the comfort zone, still doing lots of analysis based on pro paintings.

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  10. Uncharted Waters

    Practice piece to render fantasy landscape. I'm planning on taking this one further when i get the chance. Hope to find time to redevelop my style for landscapes since i've now came back to it, and i'd hate to be still doing the same thing.

    so this is a warning to myself. yea.


    Apartment design, Outside view

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About Me
About Me
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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