Dec 17, 09
My interview for DeadlineStudios, by Serg.S – Serg Souleiman.
along side with Sebastien Larroude a.k.a Rainart, Horia Dociu, Brad Rigney and Hethe Srodawa. :P
If you want to read a few answers to these questions i've been asked.
-Tell us about yourself where are you from and when and how did you get started concept art?
- What inspired you to become an Artist?
- Where do you currently work and what are some of the things that you have worked on?
- Could you take us through your creative process when starting a new concept art piece?
- What are some things that impotent to you when working on a piece?
- What artists influenced your work and whom do you admire?
- Is there anything you'd like to work on if you had the chance?
- Do you have any advice for the aspiring artist out there?
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