1. My Friends over at BOILED FISH STUDIOS are putting together an artbook - and it won't be possible without your help! They are taking donations and pre-orders through their Kickstarter website, HERE: [link]

    Learn more about the book, please visit their funding page.

    “The book is going to be between forty and sixty pages in full color with soft cover - including illustrations, sketches, and process walkthroughs. You can reserve your copies at $30 per book right now, and bonus! - if you pre-order, you will get an exclusive button set and the chance to win a sketch from one of the artists. Books will be mailed out Spring 2011.”

    Featured Artists:


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    My Artworks will be featured on page 117, 180-181.

    Excellence Award.

    EXPOSÉ 8 —
    "The biggest and best collection of digital art in the world just got bigger. With 393 awe-inspiring images prepared by 283 artists from 52 countries, EXPOSÉ 8 showcases more artists in more categories across more pages than ever before. "

    Preview here:

    EXPOSE 8 is shipping.

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  3. Greeting to all painters and illustrators, I’m currently looking for a number of artists to join production on some of projects on going in the studio. Please see the following openings, and if you are interested, please forward your CV, your rate, and a link to gallery to frank.f.hong@gmail.com
    or talk to me directly in Sheridan.
    Following openings are immediately in need. Oakville/Sheridan local artists are preferred.
    Artist assistant (painting)
    $10 ~$15/hour
    Artist must have the ability to work under direction, and be able to achieve highly detailed realistic renderings. Matte-painting skills is a plus but not required.

    3D modeler/UV artist
    Please send quote on per model rate.
    Hard surface modeling, and UV layouts. Zbrush skills is a plus.

    The following openings will be filled in the next few months.

    Matte Painter
    3D animator
    Rigging artist
    Lighting TD
    Sound designer/Compositor

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  4. EXPOSE 8
    My Artworks will be featured on page 117, 180-181. Excellence Award.

    EXPOSÉ 8 —
     "The biggest and best collection of digital art in the world just got bigger. With 393 awe-inspiring images prepared by 283 artists from 52 countries, EXPOSÉ 8 showcases more artists in more categories across more pages than ever before.  "

    Preview here: 

    Really exciting book! Preorder is in progress now.  should be shipping soon.

     Amazon has it for cheaper. a lot cheaper... =)


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  5. [link]

    Available @ www.ragepublishing.com.

    With the success of the first book, Art Squared -- digital painters 2 is the second in the series of books produced by the team at ArtSquared.co.uk. Throughout this edition you can enjoy a selection of more than 70 of the worlds best digital artists, showcasing more than 130 images, spread over 172 diverse pages of artwork. Featured Artist in this video: Alex Chin Yu Chu, Neville Dsouza, Gabriel Vera, Henryca Citra, Rado Javor, Daniela Uhlig, Duc Truong Huyen, Frank Hong, Joe Vriens, Oliver Wetter, Vanja Todoric, Marcin Jakubowski

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  6. Hey ya. It's been a while since I updated. I don't really have too much stuff I can show these days. Working fulltime at the moment.

    I will be attending Anime Expo in LA convention center. Selling off some prints and meeting exciting people.

    If you are in the area, feel free to drop by and say hi. I'm located at D - 15

    Thanks and all the best,

    Frank Hong


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  7. frank, hong, city, of, angels, digital, painting, city, landscape, environment, buildings, birds,
    Here you can see how I uses Photoshop to create my atmospheric city landscape image "City of Angels".

    - VIEW HERE -

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  8. *Developer of Eternal Darkness and Too Human.

    I started working at SK as a concept artist


    In the art department, Alongside the amazing STUDIO QUBE


    My good friends Sip and Yoyo are great guys to hang around with, amazingly kind people who really helped me to feel comfortable in a rather demanding work environment. Interestingly we share a passion for motorsports among many other thing.

    Equally amazing is another one of my colleague Jonathan Standing, Amazing painter & Illustrator. And his British humor is a killing! Very very friendly guy, and very thoughtful. I'm hoping to learn as much as I can from everyone at work.

    It's not easy job, but I'm having loads of fun painting away. I'm helping out with a fair share of work including characters, environments and sometimes mattes. I'm getting a good sense of the studio environment now as I often need to cooperate with the 3d and effect guys. The work area is generally quite cozy. It's a proper studio setting. Plus the coffee machine is elaborately gorgeous, it greets me in the morning with a nice cup of hot milk chocolate (makes my stomach feel awkward afterwards). I hope I could take a picture of the damn thing.

    It's quite a drive from there and back every day, almost 100km each way, forcing me to refuel once every 3 days. Only good side is that I drive a hard roof convert so when summer actually hits I’ll be able to enjoy the sun a bit more than the usual home dwelling self.

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  9. Workshop Tutorial Image

    Imagine FX Issue 56.

    Creating an Atmospheric Environment

    "Learn how to establish mood early in the painting, and using concept art techniques to refine the painting into a believable world, with Frank Hong"

    "I will be taking you through the creation of this painting step-by-step, explaining both technical and artistic decisions I make along the way. I will develop a dark atmospheric feeling for the painting very early in the production, and bring it to life with realistic rendering techniques. Many of these techniques are used daily in both professional concept art and matte-painting, and are essential tool sets to grasp. By utilizing the full arsenal of Photoshop you will greatly improve production time."

    "Atmosphere development is the main focus of this workshop, so I’ll be taking quite a bit of time walking you through some of the concepts behind it. It’s important to know the feeling you want the viewers to get when they look at your painting, and carry that through to the finishing strokes. If the mood is correctly established, you’ll have more liberties with designs and layouts without changing the initial concepts."

    Check out the Issue 56 for details. [link]

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  10. the 2DArtist Magazine #051 – March 2010 issue is now ready, and has just gone on sale (www.2dartistmag.com).

    Here's the Gallery portion of this month's features, you may download it here:


    This Month Features:

    David Lecossu
    Jama Jurabaev
    Mark molnar
    Daniel Iulian Vijoi
    Bastien Grivet
    Santosh Suryawanshi
    Frank hong
    Jon McCoy
    Paul Abrams
    Andrei Pervukhin

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About Me
About Me
My Photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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