3Dtotal Excellence Award received.
www.3dtotal.com3D Total - The CG artists homepage, daily news with links to all the best 3d animations and site. Huge libraries and galleries with free downloads (meshes/textures etc) and amazing artwork.
The kind people at
3Dtotal awarded me this badge, some of my pieces will be included in their gallery, and will be updated each month. I'll be working with them in the next
2Dartist magazine, Hopefully another tutorial piece.
Also check out the
"Gift to the Gods" challenge hosted by 3Dtotal right now, the price list is really tempting.(You can get a 3D print!,how awesome is that!?)
I had lots of works since the end of last year, most of which I can't show here until the NDA lifts. I've gone professional for 3 month now, and with that comes responsibilities. duties I can't put aside or procrastinate. It's crazy because I'm trying to juggle fulltime, freelance, my part-time in Sheridan, and try to pass actual classes. hence why I'm usually in the FML mood.
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