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(continuing a series)
I love this drawing of a horseman by Rodin:
When Rodin was 16, he drew tight academic drawings:
Over the years he evolved from ...
2019落笔成器基础班(第三季度)招生 *基础班的特色* 内容升级 模式优化 学费减半 课程内容每期都在改善升级,优化。不做炫技式快餐培训,只做最专业的教育。 注重体验 课程注重传达绘画形式中的理解思维,而不仅仅是理论知识的照本宣科。助你从心态,绘画思维,审美,理论得到全方位提升。 学习氛围 每天助教老师都会在学员小群内进行...
Humpty Dumpty: New Concepts
I've been posting this on my website, but decided to keep a copies here too.
Suit up...
I think everything I do is secretly an excuse to get to design more space
2016 Story reel *Please email for passwrod Storyreel update 2016to17 from reeacat on Vimeo.
Happy 10th Birthday! 10 years ago today I made this blog. I was in my first year at Sheridan and all the other students rocked one so I had to as well. I took it very seriousl...
moved on tumblr! I've moved to tumblr! Been posting there OTL
2000 Schoolism Subscriptions available Hey everyone, 2000 Schoolism Subscriptions now available! If you're interested in professional art education, I highly recommend this. Last time subscri...
Schoolism Live In Montreal With Paul Lasaine
Hey gang,
Time is running out to sign up for the Schoolism Live Workshop with Yours
Truly on March 14th in beautiful Montreal! That's less than two weeks
Starting Off with the Basics #7
CRT pixel tutorial:
So Two years ago my family and I visited Moon Lake in the high Uintas. We
had a blast, amongst the swimming and fishing and hiking an...
New shits
All the artworks are pretty much inspired by the games I play these days.
some location concepts
posted below are few location concept pieces that i did for an
multi-episode animation tv show.
site new website! REPEATLINES.COM
Quick Little Lion
I felt like making a little lion right before bed, don't ask me why. Rawr.
i started a tumblr! Happy (belated) New Year! Long time no post! Work is busy as usual, but I'm trying really hard this year to draw and post more personal work. I've already ...
MTG Grand Prix: Sacramento Hey Magic fans! I will be doing a signing and selling merch along side my friend Wes Burt at the Grand Prix in Sacramento, California January 18-19. I...
oil paintings
my recent obsession is oil painting :)
so much fun! it's like sculpting with colour.
they are usually done on a weekend , taken about half a day each.
Lunchtime daily
The mobile game I worked on is finally out! a long year working on it, but
definately fun. Check it out! its EPIC - by Gameloft. So now works pretty
blahgggh update
been a while
october update
Too much art to post. i don't know where to begin. i'll just choose a few
pieces. for your info, i have now two tumblr accounts if you want more art. Design...
Happy Year of the Dragon
here's a cute dragon for everyone
just a heads-up for whoever is still visiting this crappy blog, if there is
anyone that is
this blog will eventually mov...
New Website & Blog
My website and blog has been officially moved over to
See you there!
Moved! WOW this place is old! Anyways, I've moved to now! Hope to see you there, and thanks for taking the time to look at my stuff and su...
Ergg..I rendered more than I usually do
but I was just really playing with shapes in the beginning without thinking
so it's a bit awkward in lot of ways.
Et ben voilà ! Il y a maintenant 6 mois que j'ai parlé de notre film de fin
d'étude "Après la pluie". Eh bien ma foi le voici sur le site des Gobelins
à c...
mononoke-painting process
process vid:
original at 100% zoom:
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