In this week's video, we go beneath the surface to talk about what makes a strong artist's portfolio. Finding tough answers to what to include in a portfolio versus what to leave out. We will discuss what are the key things people will look for in a professional presentation.

Check out my Gumroad channel for my brush kit, and to download my videos.


Hey guys, If you liked my free videos I have some good news for you. I will be starting a brand new series to run along side my Real-Times and Visual Development videos.

Animation Action Analysis part 2, Test scene for making dynamic paintings without matte work. These are done pretty rapidly, going to try a harder scene next time.

Test project, done in 4 hours, animated in Flash, composited in After Effects, Painting in Photoshop.

Pretty fun to do. testing out the pipeline for future projects.

Episode 2 of Painting with Frank, a completely free new series. Where I paint in realtime and talk about all the things concept art related, answer views questions, and tech a few techniques each week.

This week's topic is the Learning curve of becoming a concept artist. While I explore and compose the fanart piece of "Destiny" in the background.

FIRST 50 Early Birds get this for cheap, Here:


"Sunflower Street" A futuristic Chinese metropolis displayed through a busy street scene.

In this tutorial, I will take a thumbnail from “Introduction to Basic Thumbnails Part 2” and develop this scene to a fully polished illustration. I will walk through every decision I made to get to the final piece, and also talk about all the techniques used.

In this Part 02 of Thumbnail making video, I will explore different techniques for thumbnails making by finishing 10 unique designs with vastly different subject matters. This practice will help with finding inspiration, and compose a scene in a short amount of time.

Pick your favorite thumbnail to be developed into a polished painting in my next video by leaving a comment and subscribing to my channel.

Painting with Value. Composing a painting and establishing depth with black and white values.

Download for FREE here:

New videos are coming up, Please check back and subscribe to my channel for more freebies.

Here's a little interview I did with Marcello Milteer from JAPAN CINEMA.

Can you please talk us through how you create your images, from an initial idea to a final piece of concept art?

I usually start my images with a simple black and white sketch called thumbnail, and depending on how complex or unclear the direction is I may have to do a dozen of these thumbnails.

BMW Z4 M Concept

A fresh design for my dream car. 

BMW never came out with a coupe version of the E89 Z4. They also decided not to make a full M version of the Z4, nor do they have a production Super car as of yet.

That doesn't sit well with me, so I'm gonna make my own. In my dreams.

Taking design cues from their up to date line-up and trying to push for a modern, aggressive look. This wide body version of the Z4 M Coupe has the virtual performance of a modern day GT3 car.
About Me
About Me
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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