"Destiny" Visual Development part 2
Hey guys, If you liked my free videos I have some good news for you. I will be starting a brand new series to run along side my Real-Times and Visual Development videos.
Hanger Action Analysis - Dude Running Part 2
Concept Action Analysis "Dude Running"
Pretty fun to do. testing out the pipeline for future projects.
Realtime Episode 02 "Destiny"
This week's topic is the Learning curve of becoming a concept artist. While I explore and compose the fanart piece of "Destiny" in the background.
Link: https://gumroad.com/l/JvaE
"Sunflower Street" A futuristic Chinese metropolis displayed through a busy street scene.
In this tutorial, I will take a thumbnail from “Introduction to Basic Thumbnails Part 2” and develop this scene to a fully polished illustration. I will walk through every decision I made to get to the final piece, and also talk about all the techniques used.
Introduction to Basic Thumbnail Making PART 02
Pick your favorite thumbnail to be developed into a polished painting in my next video by leaving a comment and subscribing to my channel.
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Can you please talk us through how you create your images, from an initial idea to a final piece of concept art?
I usually start my images with a simple black and white sketch called thumbnail, and depending on how complex or unclear the direction is I may have to do a dozen of these thumbnails.
BMW Z4 M Concept
A fresh design for my dream car.
BMW never came out with a coupe version of the E89 Z4. They also decided not to make a full M version of the Z4, nor do they have a production Super car as of yet.
That doesn't sit well with me, so I'm gonna make my own. In my dreams.
Taking design cues from their up to date line-up and trying to push for a modern, aggressive look. This wide body version of the Z4 M Coupe has the virtual performance of a modern day GT3 car.