My Friends over at BOILED FISH STUDIOS are putting together an artbook - and it won't be possible without your help! They are taking donations and pre-orders through their Kickstarter website, HERE: [link]

Learn more about the book, please visit their funding page.
My Artworks will be featured on page 117, 180-181. Excellence Award.


"The biggest and best collection of digital art in the world just got bigger.

Available @

With the success of the first book, Art Squared -- digital painters 2 is the second in the series of books produced by the team at
Here you can see how I uses Photoshop to create my atmospheric city landscape image "City of Angels".
*Developer of Eternal Darkness and Too Human.
the 2DArtist Magazine #051 – March 2010 issue is now ready, and has just gone on sale (
About Me
About Me
My Photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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