In this week's video, we go beneath the surface to talk about what makes a strong artist's portfolio. Finding tough answers to what to include in a portfolio versus what to leave out. We will discuss what are the key things people will look for in a professional presentation.

Check out my Gumroad channel for my brush kit, and to download my videos.


Hey guys, If you liked my free videos I have some good news for you.

Animation Action Analysis part 2, Test scene for making dynamic paintings without matte work. These are done pretty rapidly, going to try a harder scene next time.

Test project, done in 4 hours, animated in Flash, composited in After Effects, Painting in Photoshop.

Pretty fun to do. testing out the pipeline for future projects.

Episode 2 of Painting with Frank, a completely free new series. Where I paint in realtime and talk about all the things concept art related, answer views questions, and tech a few techniques each week.

This week's topic is the Learning curve of becoming a concept artist.

July 30th, 2014

FIRST 50 Early Birds get this for cheap, Here:


"Sunflower Street" A futuristic Chinese metropolis displayed through a busy street scene.


In this Part 02 of Thumbnail making video, I will explore different techniques for thumbnails making by finishing 10 unique designs with vastly different subject matters. This practice will help with finding inspiration, and compose a scene in a short amount of time.

Painting with Value. Composing a painting and establishing depth with black and white values.

Download for FREE here:

New videos are coming up, Please check back and subscribe to my channel for more freebies.

Here's a little interview I did with Marcello Milteer from JAPAN CINEMA.

BMW Z4 M Concept

A fresh design for my dream car. 

BMW never came out with a coupe version of the E89 Z4. They also decided not to make a full M version of the Z4, nor do they have a production Super car as of yet.

That doesn't sit well with me, so I'm gonna make my own. In my dreams.

Click to enlarge.

Why not have some dragons?

This is one of the first things I did on the show, a redesign of the Police Charger that's going to be featured in the show. It was a 2013 model Dodge Charger, make to fit into the Defiance world.

Aston Martin, 2d render practice, all done in photoshop

BG is a stock photo,

Study of Subaru Rally car done from reference


One of my favourite actors


I love this Audi Quattro, It really is a classic icon of Group-B Rally. It's just fucking beautiful.


I've had quite a lot of finished designs from my recent contracts, unfortunately none have been cleared to post here. So here's a few paintings from the past year. I thought it's about time I revive my blogs and stuff.

Get off my lawn.


This is a fast one.


a nice girl in a nice seat.


One of the Concept arts for my film, I will be releasing more information soon. This is a nice little teaser item here.


My Friends over at BOILED FISH STUDIOS are putting together an artbook - and it won't be possible without your help! They are taking donations and pre-orders through their Kickstarter website, HERE: [link]

Learn more about the book, please visit their funding page.



My Artworks will be featured on page 117, 180-181.

Excellence Award.


"The biggest and best collection of digital art in the world just got bigger.


Greeting to all painters and illustrators, I’m currently looking for a number of artists to join production on some of projects on going in the studio.


My Artworks will be featured on page 117, 180-181. Excellence Award.


"The biggest and best collection of digital art in the world just got bigger.



Available @

With the success of the first book, Art Squared -- digital painters 2 is the second in the series of books produced by the team at


Hey ya. It's been a while since I updated. I don't really have too much stuff I can show these days. Working fulltime at the moment.

I will be attending Anime Expo in LA convention center. Selling off some prints and meeting exciting people.

If you are in the area, feel free to drop by and say hi.

Here you can see how I uses Photoshop to create my atmospheric city landscape image "City of Angels".


*Developer of Eternal Darkness and Too Human.

Workshop Tutorial Image

Imagine FX Issue 56.


the 2DArtist Magazine #051 – March 2010 issue is now ready, and has just gone on sale (

Garden of Zen


this is a wallpaper size 1080.


Copyright, New Horizon. Michal Lysek.


3Dtotal Excellence Award received.

3D Total - The CG artists homepage, daily news with links to all the best 3d animations and site. Huge libraries and galleries with free downloads (meshes/textures etc) and amazing artwork.


Sunflower Tower

Piece 01

A project I'm very excited to be apart of, I'm working with a few of my friends on creating an amazingly deep world. I've just got clearance to upload this one, hopefully soon you'll see many more pieces from various very talented artists.


I've just finished putting together a workshop for Imagine FX on how to create an atmospheric environment.

It'll be a while before the book hits the shelves, and I have a couple of other works I'm waiting for show you, hopefully very soon.


January 16th, 2010

This is a mattepainting for my 3d CG scene that will be released later.

More information on this shot will be avaliable later when I upload my demo reel.


Lego modelled by Jeremy Devilbiss

from the maker of this awesomeness, "This was inspired by a piece of artwork I saw on the concept ships by Frank Hong. Don't know if I pulled off the steampunk styling or not, but I tried.


Dec 17, 09





Dig Site 2

A finishing of my earlier speedpainting.

I'm glad i took the challenge, and pushed a lot further with this piece. it was a rewarding process to go back and re-analyze everything in the old piece, then recompose the scene with already established mood and setting.



So i was watching the movie the night it came out. and half way through the film i thought to myself, HEY! that's Dylan Cole! that mountain is definatly Dylan Cole!. so i went home first thing to check, turns out i was right. and my mind is blown.

About Me
About Me
My Photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I’m a freelance artist based in Toronto, Canada. My inspirations come from a wide range of games that I grew up with; I was always fascinated by the depth of visual designs in many of these games. I invest my free time on practicing concept art and matte paintings, studying from the master artists like Dylan Cole, Barontieri, Jaime Jones and many other amazing artists in the industry. I’m now working professionally on a variety of projects from different game developments and feature film productions.
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